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Frame Variables

Frames will have a flag indicating whether the frame variable for the verb is required, optional, or forbidden. When the verb is found, these flags are set for each frame variable. The verb class holds this information.

Frames will also have a field to specify the type of value. Types can be:

  1. Class / Instance (most common) - here the value of the field is a character string of the diskPaging entry name of the class or instance.
  2. Field / Table - for lower level atomic sentences, parts of the sentence may refer to a field or table in a class or instance. If this is the type of field value, the field class will hold a character string to the class or instance of the field or table
  3. Constant - a numeric value
Attaching prepositional phrases to the verb will attempt to fill out a Frame variable. If the verb has marked the Frame variable forbidden, the prepositional phrase is an adjectivial modifying a noun.

The variables, in the C structure, will be double arrays in order to store multiple targets for a frame variable. For example, if the command wants to add two or more destinations for a trip, the frame should handle it.
Frame VeriableDescription
TimeTime the event occured
OriginOrigin of the event, prep "from", "of", and "off"
DestinationDestination of the action, prep "at" and "tward"
Resultreturn value of cirm function
Actor, Agentthe active casual agent instigating the action, Subject
Object, Patient, Themeobject the action is performed on, direct object
ReceiveObject, recepientreceiver of the action, who was affected, indirect object, predicate noun
Attributepredicate adj
Goalindirect object
SourceI bought it from Fred
Instrumentthing used to assist, with a knife
Beneficiaryentity whose behalf the action is taken, I bought it for you
Locationlocation of the action
Co-agentsecondary or assistant active agent
Directivetarget of the action
Differencewhat was changed
Motivewhy the action was performed
Trajectory, Pathselected path, prepositions "via" and "by"
CauseWhat made the change
Method, Meanshow the action was done, abstract instrument, "by"
Obstaclewhat was the problem
Vehicalwhat vehical was used, prepositions "on" and "in"
FocusObjectstores the context object. For ex. if FocusObject = book, "the cover" will match the book
Experiencerperson involved in perception
At Possession, Possessorcurrent possessor
To Possessionfinal possessor
From Possessionoriginal possessor
At Valuecurrent value
To Valuefinal value
From Valueoriginal value

More roles:
agentsubject in active sentences
preposition by in passive sentence
themean object of transitive verb
as subject of nonaction verb
instrumentas subject in active sentence with no agent
preposition with
experienceran animate subject in active sentences with no agent
beneficiaryas indirect object with transitive verb
preposition for
at locationpreposition in, on, beyond, etc
at possessionpossessive noun phrase
as subject of sentence if no agent
to locationprepositions to, into
to possessionprepsoitions to
indirect object with certain verb
from locationprepositions from, out of, etc
from possessionpreposition from
Example sentenceroles in order
Jack ranagent
Jack ran with a crutchagent + instrument
Jack ran with a crutch for Susanagent + instrument + beneficiary
Jack destroyed the caragent + theme
Jack put the car through the wallagent + theme + path
Jack sold Henry the caragent + to possession + theme
Henry pushed the car from Jack's house to the junkyard agent + theme + from location + to location
Jack is talltheme(Jack)
Henry believes that jack is tallexperiencer (Henry) + theme
Susan owns a carat possession + theme
I am in the closettheme + at location
The ice meltedtheme
Jack enjoyed the playexperiencer + theme
The ball rolled down the hill to the watertheme + path + to location

Frame Types

ATRANSAbstract; like possession or ownership
MTRANSspeaking; like transferring thought
body movements
PROPELapply force
MOVEmove body part
mental actions
MBUILDperform inference

Frame Information

The following is a list of the types of information found in frames:
That which is certainalways true for a class: "dogs are alive"
That which is typical"American Eskimos are white"
That which constrains"Fur color has to be a color; it cannot be long or short"
That which can be inferred
This makes all fields of a class have a constraint that only values of that type will be accepted. For example: Favorite food field would only take edible food as a value. "John's favorite food is a hammer" would result in an error. This is an example of a nesessary or absolute constraint.

Like wise, the field have sex with would have the constriant of a human partner. Someone could have sex with an animal or inanimate blow-up doll, but that would be unusual. This is an example of a usual constraint.

Another frame

  1. Question / order - nature of phrase
  2. Object - what the phrase refers to
  3. Subject - what the phrase says about the object
  4. qualifiers, size, color - descriptions
  5. number - all, one, both, ...
  6. location - where is the object
  7. action - verb
  8. person - you, me, them, they, him, her
  9. tense - past, present, ...
For example, "Get that fat cat off my grass"
  1. command (implied do)
  2. cat
  3. you (implied)
  4. my, fat
  5. grass
  6. get off
  7. you (implied)
Last modified: February 03 2003 15:25:16
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