Ellipsis Concepts
In the Object Hierarchy, objects relate to each other with a parent - child
relationship. When comparing nouns for ellipsis matching, the Noun Hierarchy
is the path from the object, through each parent, to the root of the tree.
To illustrate comparing two objects using the Noun Hierarchies, refer to the
following example sentence pairs:
- Put the milk in the fridge
- the juice
The fragment noun in the second sentence the juice could replace
either the milk or the fridge. As humans, we know the speaker
meant to put the juice in the fridge, not the milk in the juice. The
Fido system will determine this by matching the fragement noun to the closed
subtree in the previous sentence.
This is a sample noun hierarchy:

Using this hierarchy, the nouns milk and fridge in the
first sentence would have the Noun Hierarchy of
Object | | Object | |
Inanimate Object | |
Inanimate Object | |
Food | | Container | |
Dairy | | Fridge |
Milk | |
The noun juice in the second sentence would have the following:
Object | |
Inanimate Object | |
Food | |
Citris | |
Juice |
To determine which noun in the first sentence to replace, start with the
bottom of the hierarchy for the second fragement noun. In this example,
we will take juice and look for it in the hierarchies of all nouns
in the previous sentences. It did not exist. Then take the next entry
in the hierarchy citris. This did not exist either. Then take
food. This entry shows up in the hierarchy for milk. This
is a match, but we must ensure that the entry found, food does not
exist in the other previous noun. Basically this would not allow a word
to replace one food, when both nouns in the previous were foods.
We take the entry food and look it up in the other nouns in the
previous sentence. In this case, just fridge. It did not exist,
and we have one, and only one, match.
- Noun (command) - The direct object.
- Put the milk in the fridge.
- The cereal in the pantry.
- Verb - The verb phrase did too will resolve to the previous
verb phrase, lost his wallet.
- Jack lost his wallet.
- Sam did too.
- Noun - Because the bananas
is in the same subtree as the peaches, through semantics, the
direct object was replaced. Also, sentence structure.
- Did Sam find the bananas?
- Yes.
- The peaches?
- Noun - Through sentence
structures, the ice cream replaces the bananas.
- Did the clerk put the bananas on the shelf?
- Yes.
- The ice cream in the refrigerator?
- Noun - In the following, the TV dinners has the same
sentence structure as the clerk and
the ice cream. Therefore the only was to identify the
antecedent is through semantics. Ice cream is in the same
subtree in the Object Hierarchy as TV dinners (both food).
- Did the clerk put the ice cream in the refrigerator?
- No.
- The TV dinners.
- Noun - Again, the sentence
structure could have the toaster oven replace either the
clerk or the store. Simple Object Hierarchy tree
analysis will not identify with phrase in the previous sentence will
be replaced. This needs deep knowledge understanding of space.
Since the clerk would be too large to be inside of a toaster oven,
the clerk phrase would not be replaced. See also
Verb Constraints.
- Did you see the clerk in the store?
- Yes
- The toaster oven?
- Noun - Even through the
preposition is different, the structure identifies which phrase to
- Get the bananas on the counter.
- Yes.
- The oranges in the pantry.
- Combination
- How many went to Richmond last month?
- How many to Durham?
- To Fairfax this month?
Put the milk in the fridge.
+--- DO ---+ +--- PO ---+
| | | |
+- V -+ +- A -+- PREP -+ +- A -+
| | | | | | |
/// Put the milk in the fridge
/// <- V -> Put
Put <- DO -> milk
the <- A -> milk
milk <- PREP -> in
in <- PO -> fridge
the <- A -> fridge
The cereal in the pantry.
+--- NP ---+ +--- PO ---+
| | | |
| +- A -+- PREP -+ +- A -+
| | | | | |
/// The cereal in the pantry
/// <- NP -> cereal
the <- A -> cereal
cereal <- PREP -> in
in <- PO -> pantry
the <- A -> pantry
In the pantry.
+--- PO ---+
| |
+- PREP -+ +- A -+
| | | |
/// in the pantry
/// <- PREP -> in
in <- PO -> pantry
the <- A -> pantry
The juice.
+--- NP ---+
| |
+ +- A -+
| | |
/// The juice
/// <- NP -> the
the <- A -> juice
* This example requires semantic analysis:
1. Put the juice in the fridge.
2. ?Put the milk in the juice.
The glass.
+--- NP ---+
| |
+ +- A -+
| | |
/// The glass
/// <- NP -> the
the <- A -> juice
* This example requires semantic analysis:
1. Put the milk in the glass.
2. ?Put the glass in the fridge.
* Most likely will need to ask user the intent.