The Fido program reads a WSDL (WebService Definition Language). This file
can be supplied by the service provider or be a known for a perticular service.
For example, to retrieve a stock quote, all providers will agree to a standard
amount of information to be returned. All providers will agree to the standard
and the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) will maintain
the standard. To use the standard, the Fido program will retrieve
the WDSL from the W3C.
Also, each provider may implement another WSDL that returns the standard
information, as well as additional non-standard information. The provider
will give the WSDL to access the non-standard information.
Once the program has the WSDL, the programmer maps Fido internal structurs
to the information provided by the WebService. Upon request, Fido will
query the WebService and save the returned information in the Fido database.
To support Web Services, the server window will contain a menu item to
read a Web Service description file. The server reads in the WSDL file,
and the Fido server will determine which methods the Web Service provides.
Then the developer will create a new instruction that will call the Web
Service when a perticular piece of information is requested.
The piece of information will be stored in the Fido database system as
volitile, which means each access to the
piece of information will require the data be refreshed.
For the Fido Web Service interface, clients must pass the Fido server:
the natural language text for the query, the language, and the encoding,
for multi-language characters.