Fido Alpha 3.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use InstructionNotFoundException
fido.db Classes that are a proxy to the database tables that comprise the system. 

Uses of InstructionNotFoundException in fido.db

Methods in fido.db that throw InstructionNotFoundException
 int TransactionTable.add(int instructionId, java.lang.String description)
 void TransactionTable.modify(int id, int instructionId, java.lang.String description)
 void TransactionSlotTable.add(int transactionId, java.lang.String frameSlot, int instructionId)
 int InstructionTable.addDecisionInstruction(int condition, java.lang.String frameSlot, java.lang.String linkName, int objectId, java.lang.String attribute, int positive, int negative)
 void InstructionTable.modifyDecisionInstruction(int id, int condition, java.lang.String frameSlot, java.lang.String linkName, int objectId, java.lang.String attribute, int positive, int negative)
 Instruction InstructionTable.get(int id)
          Returns the GrammarLink type referrenced by the parameter id.
 int InstructionTable.hashCode(java.lang.String id)
 int InstructionTable.hashCode(int id)
 void InstructionGroupTable.addGroupInstruction(int id, int groupId)
 void InstructionGroupTable.deleteGroupInstruction(int id, int rank)

Fido Alpha 3.2