Fido Alpha 3.2

Package fido.util

These classes are common classes used through out the Fido system.


Interface Summary
BooleanTreeNode This is a simple interface that is the root of the two node types: BooleanNode and any Object as a leaf node.

Class Summary
BooleanAndNode This class represents a boolean AND in a boolean expression.
BooleanNode This class represents a boolean AND or an OR in a boolean expression.
BooleanOrNode This class represents a boolean OR in a boolean expression.
BooleanTree This class represents a boolean expression.
EmptyBooleanNode This class is used internally by the BooleanTree during creation when a parenthesis opens a group.
FidoDataSource Singleton class that is used by the fido.db package to obtain a database connection.
HtmlExceptionWriter Writes an exception stack trace to a Writer stream and formats it for displaying with an HTML browser.
Version Singleton class that returns version information about the Fido software.

Exception Summary
BooleanSyntaxException Thrown when an error occurs while constructing or using a BooleanTree.

Package fido.util Description

These classes are common classes used through out the Fido system.

Fido Alpha 3.2