Fido Alpha 3.2

Class Resolver


public class Resolver
extends java.lang.Object

Looks at each Noun type phrase, either nouns or pronouns, and passes off processing to either Noun Resolver or Pronoun Resolver.

Nouns should be resolved depth first, meaning, noun phrases in prepositional phrases modifying a noun should be resolved before the noun phrase is resolved. For example, The dog in the house. The noun phrase the house will be resolved before the dog.

See Also:
NounResolver, PronounResolver

Constructor Summary
Resolver(Discourse discourse)
          Creates a new Resolver instance.
Method Summary
 void resolveNouns(java.util.Vector clauses)
          Resolves all noun phrases in each Clause object in the clauses Vector parameter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Resolver(Discourse discourse)
Creates a new Resolver instance.

discourse - Discourse object used in resolving nouns
Method Detail


public void resolveNouns(java.util.Vector clauses)
                  throws FidoException
Resolves all noun phrases in each Clause object in the clauses Vector parameter. Each NounPhrase class will be replaced with a ResolvedNoun class in the structure.

  1. From the Clause class, get the VerbPhrase class.
  2. For each prepositional phrase modifying the Verb, pass the NounPhrase to either the NounResolver or PronounResolver.
  3. From the Clause class, look at the associated Noun classes.
  4. If the instanceof operator returns a NounPhrase, pass the NounPhrase object to the Noun Resolver module.
  5. If the instanceof operator returns a Pronoun, pass the Pronoun object to the Pronoun Resolver module.

clauses - Vector of Clause objects to process
FidoException - General exception thrown if the Sentence could not be processed. The exception will contain a wrapped exception that is the root cause.
See Also:
NounResolver, PronounResolver, Clause, NounPhrase, ResolvedNoun

Fido Alpha 3.2