Fido Alpha 3.2 | ||||||||||
Class Summary | |
Discourse | This class holds the previous sentence structure and nouns in the previous sentence for use with pronoun resolving. |
DiscourseResolver | This module will take the final meaning of the sentence and determine the parts of the discourse class to set for future sentences to use to resolve ellipsis and pronouns. |
Ellipsis | Ellipsis takes missing parts of the current fragment and fills in parts from the previous sentence. |
FragmentResolver | This module attempts to take a fragment of a sentence, or the answer to a question asked by the system, and create a full, properly formed sentence. |
Frame | The Frame class holds the transaction id the system will process, the mood of the current input, and a map of all noun object ids. |
GrammarModule | This is the Workflow module that interacts with the grammar package. |
LanguageDetermination | Attempts to determine of the language the user command. |
LinguisticAnalysis | A workflow is created for each User connection to manage the user commands. |
NounFrameSlot | Sets the Frame slots for the three nouns attached to the verb: subject, indirect object, and predicate noun. |
NounResolver | Resolve a NounPhrase to one instance in the ObjectTable. |
PronounResolver | The PronounResolver classes works with the Discourse class to retrive nouns from the current discourse. |
ProperNounResolver | Resolves a list of possible proper noun objects to one object that appears in the Discourse Context pool. |
QuestionResolver | Resolves a fragment from the user to a sentence if the previous sentence from the system was a question. |
Resolver | Looks at each Noun type phrase, either nouns or pronouns, and passes off processing to either Noun Resolver or Pronoun Resolver. |
SentenceComponents | This module will take the Grammar linkages from the Grammar module and place them into in internal class structure. |
SentenceResolver | Resolves the multiple sentence structure from the SentenceComponents module and determines one course of action for the system to perform. |
VerbPrepositionResolver | Places the ResolvedNouns for each prepositional phrase attached to the verb in the appropriate frame slot. |
VerbResolver | VerbResolver takes the verb string from the user and determines an action for the user to perform. |
WordLookup | Attempts to find a word string in one of four ways: WordClassification - Identifies classes of words, such as numbers and dates Dictionary - List of all words known to the system Morphology - Looks for prefixes and suffixes to strip off to find the root form of a word. |
WordPackage | A word package is a small class that holds the original surface form of the word. |
WordSeparation | This module breaks up the stream of characters from the client into the sentence into words. |
Exception Summary | |
LeftWallNotFoundException | During the semantic analysis phase, the LEFT-WALL of the sentence was not found. |
LookupWordFailedException | Used by the WordLookup module to signal that a word in the user input could not be found in the dictionary, and the special word UNKNOWN_WORD could not be found either. |
MultipleEllipsisMatchException | The ellipsis found more than one candidate for replacing. |
MultipleInstancesMatchException | Too many instances match the requested attribute and link set. |
MultipleMeaningsMatchException | Too many sentence meanings were valid. |
MultipleProperNounsMatchException | Thrown if multiple proper nouns match the user input, and all of the objects are in the Discourse Context pool. |
NoEllipsisMatchException | The ellipsis module did not find any noun phrases in the fragment to process. |
NoInstancesMatchException | No instances match the requested attribute and link set |
NoMeaningsMatchException | No meanings of the sentence were valid. |
NoPreviousDiscourseException | The ellipsis module received a fragment, but there was no previous statement entered by the user to determine what to do with it. |
NoProperNounsMatchException | The ProperNoun module did not find any of the ProperNouns from the ProperNoun table in the current discourse. |
Classes that take the string from the user and determines one course of action.
Fido Alpha 3.2 | ||||||||||