Fido Alpha 3.2

Class VerbResolver


public class VerbResolver
extends java.lang.Object

VerbResolver takes the verb string from the user and determines an action for the user to perform. The action is a transaction from the VerbTransaction table.

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new VerbResolver instance.
Method Summary
 void resolve(Sentence sentence, Frame frame)
          Resolves the verb string from the user, using the mood of the sentence and the frame values for each noun, and determines a transaction id to execute.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public VerbResolver()
Creates a new VerbResolver instance.

Method Detail


public void resolve(Sentence sentence,
                    Frame frame)
             throws FidoDatabaseException,
Resolves the verb string from the user, using the mood of the sentence and the frame values for each noun, and determines a transaction id to execute.

sentence - Sentence structure to pull the verb string.
frame - Frame to put the transaction id.
FidoDatabaseException - Thrown if there is an error contacting or processing a database request.
ObjectNotFoundException - Thrown if an object id is not found. This should never happen.
VerbInstructionNotFoundException - Thrown if a transaction cannot be found for the verb string, mood, and frame values.
See Also:

Fido Alpha 3.2