Fido Alpha 3.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use LookupWordFailedException
fido.frontend Classes that interface with the user and pass a string to the server processing classes. 
fido.linguistic Classes that take the string from the user and determines one course of action. 

Uses of LookupWordFailedException in fido.frontend

Methods in fido.frontend that throw LookupWordFailedException
 void GrammarSession.addWord(java.lang.String word)
          Adds a new word to the grammar.

Uses of LookupWordFailedException in fido.linguistic

Methods in fido.linguistic that throw LookupWordFailedException
 void WordLookup.lookupWord(WordPackage word, java.lang.String language)
          The word string is passed to the WordClassificationTable for a regular expression type matching.
 void WordLookup.lookupWords(java.util.Vector words, java.lang.String language)
          Calls lookupWord() for each word in the parameter word Vector.

Fido Alpha 3.2