Fido Alpha 3.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use BooleanSyntaxException
fido.db Classes that are a proxy to the database tables that comprise the system. 
fido.util These classes are common classes used through out the Fido system. 

Uses of BooleanSyntaxException in fido.db

Methods in fido.db that throw BooleanSyntaxException
 java.util.Collection ObjectTable.findInstance(int subtreeRoot, BooleanTree attrTree, BooleanTree prepTree)

Uses of BooleanSyntaxException in fido.util

Methods in fido.util that throw BooleanSyntaxException
 BooleanTreeNode BooleanTree.getRootNode()
          After filling the BooleanTree, this call will validate the tree is correct using the validateTree() call, then return the root node of the tree for traversal.
 void BooleanTree.addLeafNode(BooleanTreeNode node)
          Add a leaf node to the tree.
 void BooleanTree.addBooleanAndNode()
          Creates a BooleanAndNode to be inserted into the tree.
 void BooleanTree.addBooleanOrNode()
          Creates a BooleanOrNode to be inserted into the tree.
 void BooleanTree.endGroup()
          Closes a currently open parenthesis group.
 void BooleanTree.validateTree()
          Used to validate the tree is properly formed: All parenthesis are closed The last boolean node contains a right branch.

Fido Alpha 3.2