Fido Alpha 3.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use FidoException
fido.db Classes that are a proxy to the database tables that comprise the system. 
fido.frontend Classes that interface with the user and pass a string to the server processing classes. 
fido.grammar The Fido system uses a grammatical system called link grammar to identify relationships between words in the user command. 
fido.linguistic Classes that take the string from the user and determines one course of action. 
fido.processing Classes to execute transactions and instructions to modify the internal database or perform an external call. 
fido.util These classes are common classes used through out the Fido system. 

Uses of FidoException in fido.db

Subclasses of FidoException in fido.db
 class ArticleNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Article in the ArticleTable by a name which does not exist.
 class AttributeCategoryNotFoundException
          An attempt to access an Attribute in the AttributeList by a name which does not exist.
 class AttributeNotFoundException
          An attempt to access an Attribute in the AttributeList by a name which does not exist.
 class CannotDeleteRootObjectException
          An attempt to remove the root of the ObjectHierarchy, called Object.
 class CannotDeleteSystemLinkException
          An attempt to remove a LinkType that was created by the system.
 class ClassificationNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Word Classification in the WordClassificationTable by a rank which does not exist.
 class ClassLinkTypeNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a ClassLinkType in the ClassLinkTypeTable by a name which does not exist.
 class FidoDatabaseException
          Indicates an error occured in the database.
 class FrameSlotNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Frame Slot in the FrameSlotTable by a name which does not exist.
 class GrammarLinkNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Grammar Link in the GrammarLinkTable by a name which does not exist.
 class InstructionNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Instruction in the InstructionTable by a name which does not exist.
 class MorphologyNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Morphology row in the LanguageMorphologyTable by a name which does not exist when performing a hashCode.
 class MorphologyTagNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a MorphologyTag in the LanguageMorphologyTable by a name which does not exist.
 class ObjectNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a ClassObject or InstanceObject that does not exist in the database.
 class PrepositionNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Preposition for a given object id which does not exist.
 class PronounNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Pronoun in the PronounTable by a name which does not exist.
 class ProperNounNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Proper Noun does not exist.
 class QuestionWordNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a QuestionWord in the QuestionWordTable by a name which does not exist.
 class TransactionNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Transaction in the TransactionTable by a name which does not exist.
 class UserNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a User in the UserTable by a name which does not exist.
 class VerbInstructionNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Pronoun in the PronounTable by a name which does not exist.
 class VerbNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Verb in the VerbTable by a name which does not exist.
 class WebServiceNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a WebService in the WebServiceTable by a name which does not exist.
 class WordNotFoundException
          An attempt to access a Word in the Dictionary by a name which does not exist.

Uses of FidoException in fido.frontend

Methods in fido.frontend that throw FidoException
 java.lang.String FidoSession.fidoString(java.lang.String userString)
          Called by the client to have the server process a natural language request.

Uses of FidoException in fido.grammar

Subclasses of FidoException in fido.grammar
 class GrammarParseException
          Thrown by Grammar classes when the grammar string for the word in the dataserver contains an invalid string that cannot be parsed.

Uses of FidoException in fido.linguistic

Subclasses of FidoException in fido.linguistic
 class LeftWallNotFoundException
          During the semantic analysis phase, the LEFT-WALL of the sentence was not found.
 class LookupWordFailedException
          Used by the WordLookup module to signal that a word in the user input could not be found in the dictionary, and the special word UNKNOWN_WORD could not be found either.
 class MultipleEllipsisMatchException
          The ellipsis found more than one candidate for replacing.
 class MultipleInstancesMatchException
          Too many instances match the requested attribute and link set.
 class MultipleMeaningsMatchException
          Too many sentence meanings were valid.
 class MultipleProperNounsMatchException
          Thrown if multiple proper nouns match the user input, and all of the objects are in the Discourse Context pool.
 class NoEllipsisMatchException
          The ellipsis module did not find any noun phrases in the fragment to process.
 class NoInstancesMatchException
          No instances match the requested attribute and link set
 class NoMeaningsMatchException
          No meanings of the sentence were valid.
 class NoPreviousDiscourseException
          The ellipsis module received a fragment, but there was no previous statement entered by the user to determine what to do with it.
 class NoProperNounsMatchException
          The ProperNoun module did not find any of the ProperNouns from the ProperNoun table in the current discourse.

Methods in fido.linguistic that throw FidoException
 java.util.Vector SentenceComponents.translate(java.util.Vector sentences)
          Converts the Vector of Link classes from Grammar to an internal structure that represents the sentence.
 void Resolver.resolveNouns(java.util.Vector clauses)
          Resolves all noun phrases in each Clause object in the clauses Vector parameter.
 ResolvedNoun PronounResolver.resolve(Pronoun pronoun)
          Finds the antecedant of the pronoun in the Discourse class.
 ResolvedNoun NounResolver.resolve(NounPhrase np)
          Searches for an instance in the ObjectTable that the NounPhrase representes.
 Frame LinguisticAnalysis.analyze(java.lang.String userMsg)
          Takes a string from the user input and determines the course of action for the Processing module.

Uses of FidoException in fido.processing

Methods in fido.processing that throw FidoException
 void Processing.process(Frame frame, Response response)
          Processes all of the actions generated from the user request.
static void InternalCommands.process(java.lang.String exeString, Frame frame, Response response)
          This method maps a string stored as the instruction execute parameter and determines the internal database action to perform.

Uses of FidoException in fido.util

Subclasses of FidoException in fido.util
 class BooleanSyntaxException
          Thrown when an error occurs while constructing or using a BooleanTree.

Fido Alpha 3.2