Fido Alpha 3.2

Class ProperNounList

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ProperNounList
extends java.lang.Object
implements Noun

A list of proper nouns that is returned from the ProperNounTable. If a string entered by the user is in the ProperNounTable, a list of possible matches is returned and stored in this list. The ProperNounResolver module will determine which of the nouns in the list is the one the user was referring to.

Ex. If the user enters the name John, the string John may be in the ProperNounTable. The system may know about multiple people named John, so there will be multiple rows in the table. This class holds all of the instances of John so the ProperNounResolver module can determine which John the user is referring to.

See Also:
ResolvedNoun, ProperNounTable, ProperNounResolver

Constructor Summary
ProperNounList(java.lang.String properNoun)
          Creates a new empty ProperNoun list.
Method Summary
 void addProperNoun(ResolvedNoun noun)
          Adds a ResolvedNoun to the list.
 java.util.Iterator getNounObjects()
          Returns an Iterator over all of the ProperNouns in the list.
 java.lang.String getProperNoun()
          Returns the proper noun string from the user input.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ProperNounList(java.lang.String properNoun)
Creates a new empty ProperNoun list.

Method Detail


public void addProperNoun(ResolvedNoun noun)
Adds a ResolvedNoun to the list.

noun - ResolvedNoun to add to the list.


public java.util.Iterator getNounObjects()
Returns an Iterator over all of the ProperNouns in the list.

Iterator of ResolvedNoun classes
See Also:


public java.lang.String getProperNoun()
Returns the proper noun string from the user input.

The proper noun string.

Fido Alpha 3.2