Fido Alpha 3.2 | ||||||||||
Packages that use ObjectNotFoundException | |
fido.db | Classes that are a proxy to the database tables that comprise the system. |
fido.linguistic | Classes that take the string from the user and determines one course of action. |
Uses of ObjectNotFoundException in fido.db |
Methods in fido.db that throw ObjectNotFoundException | |
void |
WordClassificationTable.add(java.lang.String pattern,
java.lang.String grammarString,
int objectId,
java.lang.String description)
Adds a new classification to the end of the list. |
void |
WordClassificationTable.modify(int row,
java.lang.String pattern,
java.lang.String grammarString,
int objectId,
java.lang.String description)
Replaces the new classification at the row specified in the row paramter with a row containing the parameter information. |
int |
VerbTransactionTable.get(java.lang.String name,
int moodType,
Frame frame)
void |
VerbConstraintTable.add(int verbId,
java.lang.String frameSlot,
int objectId)
int |
ProperNounTable.add(java.lang.String name,
int objectId)
void |
ProperNounTable.modify(java.lang.String name,
int row,
int objectId)
boolean |
ObjectTable.isSubclassOf(int objectId,
int parent)
Looks for a class named parent as any parent class of objectId, until the root class Object is reached. |
int |
ObjectTable.subclass(int objectId,
java.lang.String description)
Creates a new ClassObject cloning objectId with a LinkName Isa pointing to the parent class. |
void |
ObjectTable.deleteClass(int objectId,
boolean tree)
Removes the Class name objectId from the Hierarchy. |
int |
ObjectTable.instantiate(int objectId,
java.lang.String description)
Creates a new InstanceObject from the ClassObject objectId The new object will duplicate all of the links of the parent ClassObject. |
void |
ObjectTable.deleteInstance(int instanceId)
Deletes an InstanceObject. |
java.lang.String |
ObjectTable.buildInList(int objectId)
java.util.Collection |
ObjectTable.pathToObject(int objectId)
Deletes an InstanceObject. |
void |
ObjectTable.modify(int id,
java.lang.String description)
java.util.Collection |
ObjectTable.findObject(int objectId)
java.util.Collection |
ObjectTable.findInstance(int subtreeRoot,
BooleanTree attrTree,
BooleanTree prepTree)
int |
ObjectTable.hashCode(java.lang.String id)
int |
ObjectTable.hashCode(int id)
void |
ObjectLinkTable.linkObjects(int objectId,
java.lang.String linkName,
int linkToObject)
java.util.Collection |
ObjectLinkTable.getLinkTo(int objectId,
java.lang.String linkName)
boolean |
ObjectLinkTable.containsLinkTo(int objectId,
java.lang.String linkName,
int linkToObject)
java.util.Collection |
ObjectLinkTable.getLinkFrom(int objectId,
java.lang.String linkName)
java.util.Collection |
ObjectLinkTable.getAllLinks(int objectId)
boolean |
ObjectAttributeTable.contains(int objectId,
java.lang.String attribute)
java.util.Collection |
ObjectAttributeTable.getAllAttributes(int objectId)
int |
InstructionTable.addDecisionInstruction(int condition,
java.lang.String frameSlot,
java.lang.String linkName,
int objectId,
java.lang.String attribute,
int positive,
int negative)
void |
InstructionTable.modifyDecisionInstruction(int id,
int condition,
java.lang.String frameSlot,
java.lang.String linkName,
int objectId,
java.lang.String attribute,
int positive,
int negative)
int |
DictionaryTable.add(java.lang.String word,
java.lang.String grammarString,
int objectId)
Adds a new word sense to a word. |
void |
DictionaryTable.modify(java.lang.String word,
int row,
java.lang.String grammarString,
int objectId)
Replaces a word sense of a word specified by the row number. |
void |
AdverbPrepositionTable.add(java.lang.String preposition,
int objectId,
java.lang.String frameSlot)
java.lang.String |
AdverbPrepositionTable.get(java.lang.String preposition,
int objectId)
int |
AdverbPrepositionTable.hashCode(java.lang.String preposition,
java.lang.String objectId)
void |
AdjectivePrepositionTable.add(java.lang.String preposition,
int objectId,
java.lang.String linkName)
java.lang.String |
AdjectivePrepositionTable.get(java.lang.String preposition,
int objectId)
int |
AdjectivePrepositionTable.hashCode(java.lang.String preposition,
java.lang.String objectId)
Uses of ObjectNotFoundException in fido.linguistic |
Methods in fido.linguistic that throw ObjectNotFoundException | |
void |
VerbResolver.resolve(Sentence sentence,
Frame frame)
Resolves the verb string from the user, using the mood of the sentence and the frame values for each noun, and determines a transaction id to execute. |
void |
VerbPrepositionResolver.resolve(Sentence sentence,
Frame frame)
For each PrepositionalPhrase from the VerbPhrase in the sentence parameter, lookup the preposition in the AdverbPrepsotion table to retrieve a frame slot. |
void |
FragmentResolver.resolve(java.util.Vector clauses)
Loops through the Vector of Clauses for any instance of Fragment. |
Sentence |
Ellipsis.analyze(Fragment fragment)
Converts a Fragment to a full Sentence by using parts of the previous input stored in the Discourse class. |
Fido Alpha 3.2 | ||||||||||