Fido Alpha 3.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use ObjectNotFoundException
fido.db Classes that are a proxy to the database tables that comprise the system. 
fido.linguistic Classes that take the string from the user and determines one course of action. 

Uses of ObjectNotFoundException in fido.db

Methods in fido.db that throw ObjectNotFoundException
 void WordClassificationTable.add(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String grammarString, int objectId, java.lang.String description)
          Adds a new classification to the end of the list.
 void WordClassificationTable.modify(int row, java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String grammarString, int objectId, java.lang.String description)
          Replaces the new classification at the row specified in the row paramter with a row containing the parameter information.
 int VerbTransactionTable.get(java.lang.String name, int moodType, Frame frame)
 void VerbConstraintTable.add(int verbId, java.lang.String frameSlot, int objectId)
 int ProperNounTable.add(java.lang.String name, int objectId)
 void ProperNounTable.modify(java.lang.String name, int row, int objectId)
 boolean ObjectTable.isSubclassOf(int objectId, int parent)
          Looks for a class named parent as any parent class of objectId, until the root class Object is reached.
 int ObjectTable.subclass(int objectId, java.lang.String description)
          Creates a new ClassObject cloning objectId with a LinkName Isa pointing to the parent class.
 void ObjectTable.deleteClass(int objectId, boolean tree)
          Removes the Class name objectId from the Hierarchy.
 int ObjectTable.instantiate(int objectId, java.lang.String description)
          Creates a new InstanceObject from the ClassObject objectId The new object will duplicate all of the links of the parent ClassObject.
 void ObjectTable.deleteInstance(int instanceId)
          Deletes an InstanceObject.
 java.lang.String ObjectTable.buildInList(int objectId)
 java.util.Collection ObjectTable.pathToObject(int objectId)
          Deletes an InstanceObject.
 void ObjectTable.modify(int id, java.lang.String description)
 java.util.Collection ObjectTable.findObject(int objectId)
 java.util.Collection ObjectTable.findInstance(int subtreeRoot, BooleanTree attrTree, BooleanTree prepTree)
 int ObjectTable.hashCode(java.lang.String id)
 int ObjectTable.hashCode(int id)
 void ObjectLinkTable.linkObjects(int objectId, java.lang.String linkName, int linkToObject)
 java.util.Collection ObjectLinkTable.getLinkTo(int objectId, java.lang.String linkName)
 boolean ObjectLinkTable.containsLinkTo(int objectId, java.lang.String linkName, int linkToObject)
 java.util.Collection ObjectLinkTable.getLinkFrom(int objectId, java.lang.String linkName)
 java.util.Collection ObjectLinkTable.getAllLinks(int objectId)
 boolean ObjectAttributeTable.contains(int objectId, java.lang.String attribute)
 java.util.Collection ObjectAttributeTable.getAllAttributes(int objectId)
 int InstructionTable.addDecisionInstruction(int condition, java.lang.String frameSlot, java.lang.String linkName, int objectId, java.lang.String attribute, int positive, int negative)
 void InstructionTable.modifyDecisionInstruction(int id, int condition, java.lang.String frameSlot, java.lang.String linkName, int objectId, java.lang.String attribute, int positive, int negative)
 int DictionaryTable.add(java.lang.String word, java.lang.String grammarString, int objectId)
          Adds a new word sense to a word.
 void DictionaryTable.modify(java.lang.String word, int row, java.lang.String grammarString, int objectId)
          Replaces a word sense of a word specified by the row number.
 void AdverbPrepositionTable.add(java.lang.String preposition, int objectId, java.lang.String frameSlot)
 java.lang.String AdverbPrepositionTable.get(java.lang.String preposition, int objectId)
 int AdverbPrepositionTable.hashCode(java.lang.String preposition, java.lang.String objectId)
 void AdjectivePrepositionTable.add(java.lang.String preposition, int objectId, java.lang.String linkName)
 java.lang.String AdjectivePrepositionTable.get(java.lang.String preposition, int objectId)
 int AdjectivePrepositionTable.hashCode(java.lang.String preposition, java.lang.String objectId)

Uses of ObjectNotFoundException in fido.linguistic

Methods in fido.linguistic that throw ObjectNotFoundException
 void VerbResolver.resolve(Sentence sentence, Frame frame)
          Resolves the verb string from the user, using the mood of the sentence and the frame values for each noun, and determines a transaction id to execute.
 void VerbPrepositionResolver.resolve(Sentence sentence, Frame frame)
          For each PrepositionalPhrase from the VerbPhrase in the sentence parameter, lookup the preposition in the AdverbPrepsotion table to retrieve a frame slot.
 void FragmentResolver.resolve(java.util.Vector clauses)
          Loops through the Vector of Clauses for any instance of Fragment.
 Sentence Ellipsis.analyze(Fragment fragment)
          Converts a Fragment to a full Sentence by using parts of the previous input stored in the Discourse class.

Fido Alpha 3.2